The Africa-Europe Foundation New Partners Initiative

The Africa-Europe Foundation is launching a New Partners Initiative aimed at localising action to help shape a strong, mutually beneficial partnership between Africa and Europe.
The New Partners Initiative is part of the Foundation's global call to action - ‘Choosing a common future in a rapidly changing world’ - and aims to catalyse collaboration with new, non-traditional, and local actors.
This Call for Proposals is being launched in the context of a demand for a renewed partnership between Africa and Europe following the African Union-European Union Summit in February 2022.
AEF will support local and regional organisations based in Africa and in Europe. This support will take the form of microgrants of 5.000 to 10.000 Euros, a dedicated resource manager and access to communication platforms.
In an effort to strengthen its local networks, AEF will allocate at least 75% of the awards to African-based organisations.
AEF will privilege applications from civil society organisations including think-tanks, civil society platforms and youth NGOs to bring common initiatives for both continents into local settings and further engage with a diverse range of stakeholders. Applications from other stakeholder groups will be considered on a case-by-case basis.
Proposals should address one or several of the Africa-Europe Foundation’s priority areas of focus:
• Health & Digital,
• Transport and connectivity,
• Energy
• Agriculture and Food Systems
• Cross-cutting themes on Climate Change; Youth; Gender, Education
Proposals focusing on AEF’s flagship initiatives on the Climate & Health nexus, Clean Cooking, and health workforces as well as current geopolitical events and their implications for the Africa-Europe partnership such as the current conflict in Ukraine will receive particular attention.
Applications must be sent to The deadline for submissions is 17.00 CEST (Brussels time) on Monday 2nd May. The activities must take place in between mid-May and mid-September 2022. See 'Related Content' for the Call for Proposal and Application Form.