- Ocean Governance & Blue Economy
Strategic Dialogue on the Africa-Europe Ocean Economy
- The Africa-Europe Foundation

Oceans have been described as the quintessential sustainable development issue, as they sustain the global economy and are a critical resource fundamental to human survival. Africa's ocean economy offers massive opportunities for socio-economic upliftment. This transformation requires alignment at the speed and scale of the continent's environmental and developmental needs.
The convening aims to connect young leaders, practitioners and policymakers for knowledge exchange and partnership-building, providing a platform to reinforce ocean governance and blue economy as a central pillar of cross-continental and international cooperation.
“It is time to shape a new programming phase for the next United Nations Ocean Conference in June 2025.”
This will catalyze a new coalition of partners, including the Africa-Europe Foundation, OceanHub Africa, and the international NGO Peace Boat. The convening is a stepping stone for bringing together partners for enhanced international cooperation on Ocean Governance and Blue Economy.
The convening will center on:
- A Strategic Dialogue focused on the opportunities, challenges, and innovative practice when it comes to working at the nexus of climate/environment, development, and ocean.
- A Networking Reception involving partners and young ambassadors and award-winning project leaders from across the African continent.
“2024 represents a critical year to open up and dive deeper to accelerate joint climate action.”
As we pause to reflect and celebrate the advancements and achievements over the past 13 months, the ocean can lay the foundation for a concrete, sustainable Africa-Europe partnership, raising the visibility and vital role of the ocean, on the global agenda, as well as the recognition for our climate, biodiversity, economy, cultures and communities.
The establishment in 2023, by the African Union and the European Commission, of an Africa-Europe Strategy Group on Ocean Governance facilitated by the Africa-Europe Foundation, with experts from both continents, is a valuable opportunity to take this mutually beneficial agenda forward with the advancement of a clear roadmap for joint action, aimed at strengthening the Africa-Europe Ocean Partnership.
Objectives and Outcomes
- Bring together key actors and stakeholders in the ocean and blue economy sector to present their work, discuss synergies and possible upcoming opportunities for joint advocacy.
- Open fresh thinking on climate-ocean nexus, explore opportunities for more investment in sustainable solutions, and inspire ocean-conscious innovation.
- Learn from diverse experiences and share best practices.